Mar 14, 2010

Kat Trump

Today, a beloved sister at Church sat next to me, and asked: "So, what does your father do in Honduras?" I told her he is an insurance broker, and that he owns a company, and one of my brothers works for him (the only one he could lull into it; insurance is SO boring). To that, she replied: "Oh, I asked because I heard a rumor that you are rich." My responding laughter was heard in a 3-mile radius.

Afterwards, someone asked how I had come to know about music (I'm no Mozart, but I do know a bit more than the average citizen), to which I answered I had private tutors...Yes, private tutors, as rich people usually have.

As I continued to ponder on these events, I realized I drive a nice car, and have my own office in town, even though I don't have a job. Furthermore, I am probably the only latina in the world who has absolutely no family in the U.S. That must mean they are so filthy rich they need not visit me.

So... I guess I am rich.

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