Apr 25, 2010

The most stupid ticket story

While enduring my bus-taking torment during my first month in Vegas, I realized I had less than 2 minutes to make it to the bus stop before the bus, and waiting for the pedestrian light to go green was not going to cut it. So I looked both ways, saw no car in like half a mile, and ran for it. I made it perfectly fine, but I failed to notice the cop in a motorcycle hiding behind the bushes. As I ran for the bus stop, he caught up with me and told me he had seen me jaywalking. As my only concern at the moment was not to miss the bus, since I was not looking forward to waiting for 30 minutes for the next one (in some dubious company, I may add), I did not argue it. When he finally issued the ticket, I frantically took it, thanked him (my generous nature knows no limits), and ran for dear life to the stop. I had made it. However, I also made it into the record book as the only person in the US who's ever got a jaywalking ticket.

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