Dec 18, 2011

Why December is so awesome

1. Except for last Friday (which wasn't that bad, really), it has rained every day, and the temperature is not high enough to make me consider suicide, or to sob non-stop.

2. Because of #1, I have been able to run in the rain a couple of times (it just doesn't stop raining all day).  It makes me feel like I'm in a musical or, at least, an episode of Glee with Gwyneth Paltrow.

3. Classes have ended, and I don't have to pull out my hair every day wondering how to make French interesting to a handful of hormonal teenagers.

4. People on the street are nicer ("I won't mug you today; my Christmas gift to you").

5. So many dinners and social events going on, I have already broken my healthy eating diet three times, and Christmas is still a week away.

6. Church starts an hour later on Christmas and New Year's Day.  Note: This does not necessarily imply an extra hour of sleep, but it does mean I can go to bed one hour later, with no remorse.

7. Even though I keep telling people I'm broke and I won't be giving away any presents this year (other than my unconditional love), I keep getting cute presents.  Don't say I didn't warn you.

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