Sep 26, 2010


This not knowing what to write about is becoming a habit. How annoying it is that nothing interesting is going on. Well, let me correct that. There are a lot of interesting things happening, but none that I want to share through this very public outlet. No offense to those avid readers, not that I think there are that many of you out there. Mind you, I will remember you first when I become famous for my writings. Or when I finally take over the world, whichever happens first.

I would love to keep writing nonsense, but I need to get a million things done before I crash. I had virtually no time to do anything today. It reminds me of Honduras, and all those meetings on Sunday, which left me exhausted. Anyway, I just remembered I said I was signing off, so Au revoir!

Sep 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Honduras!!

This Wednesday it was Independence Day in Honduras. I felt overly patriotic (my facebook page an overwhelming testimony to this), wore the national colors all day, ate typical food, and wished I had watched the independence parade, even though I have never watched it in person or on TV. In fact, while in Honduras, I used that day to catch up on sleep.

Surprising what you can think about when you are nostalgic. Still, Viva Honduras! Mi pais 5 estrellas!

Sep 12, 2010

A salty experience

A friend came from Honduras to spend his summer vacations in Utah. He soon learned he needed to include more anatomical expressions in his vocabulary.

During an activity, a toddler, son of a friend of his, came running to him, saying a word he didn't understand, and holding something between his thumb and forefinger. My friend lovingly bent and opened his mouth, so that his little friend could put in his mouth what he had been holding. He found it had a bitter, yet salty taste. It wasn't long before he realized what the meaning of "booger" is.

Sep 5, 2010

Answering the phone in dog land

If you speak Spanish, you answer the phone with "Alo", which is a hispanized (Is this even a word? It is now, I so declare it) way of the English "Hello". I like to be different, and so always answer with "Hola". In French, it is "Alo", of course with that distinctive beautiful French accent, that makes non-francophones believe you're choking or something. In Italian, you say "Pronto", and in German, you say "Hallo!", with a rude accent, that makes people think you've just sentenced them to death. I really don't know enough about other languages, to make a statement about phone courtesy.

However, if you call a certain Argentinian friend of mine, you may think it was her dog getting the phone. When I called a couple of hours ago, she answered "Guau", which in Spanish reads as "wow", and is the Spanish sound for dogs (yes, dogs also speak different languages).

So, maybe I'll start answering the phone these days with a very distinctive "Meowwww", followed by a 5-second purr.