May 9, 2010

Is there such a thing as a professional traveler?

I love to travel. I really do. Every year I go to a new country, except while living in the U.S., since there are many new places to visit here. Among my favorite cities so far are San Francisco, CA; Toronto, ON; San Jose, Costa Rica; and, of course, beautiful Denver! I love airports, and running through them to catch my next plane (the environmentalist within me feels bad I love flying so much, since airplanes leave a huge carbon footprint behind them). And, apparently, I have as much fun packing. I am moving to a new place this week (YAYYYY!!!), and I'm having the time of my life, packing my meager belongings. So much fun, I won't write any more, so I can get back to it.


Melissa said...

Goodness - I have long wished to have a job traveling the world! It is possible... just watch the travel channel on cable and you'll see. :)

Where are you moving?

Karla Fonseca said...

Do you know where I can apply? :D I got a new place, it's lovely.