Jun 28, 2018

My 40th birthday's present wish list

My birthday is in two weeks. It’s not every day one turns forty or, as I like to call it, 37 for the fourth time. So I’d like to celebrate in style. Below is my wish list for that day:

1.       At least 8 hours of continued, uninterrupted sleep. If I can lay sprawled all over my queen-size bed, the better.
2.       A 30-hour day, so I can watch all 8 Harry Potter movies, one after the other, and still get present #1.
3.       Breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, second dinner, and late night snack in bed.
4.       The ability to eat all I want that day without gaining a single ounce. In fact, I could benefit from losing a pound or twenty.
5.       Going to the movies again, for the first time in like 18 months. I wonder which movies are coming out this month. Wait, there’s a new Jurassic World?
6.       An A in all my school assignments due that week, because c’mon, it’s just the decent thing to do.
7.       A new Fossil watch, a stunning diamond bracelet, and the latest iPhone. An accompanying smart phone for my toddler, so he doesn’t destroy mine… again.