Jun 28, 2018

My 40th birthday's present wish list

My birthday is in two weeks. It’s not every day one turns forty or, as I like to call it, 37 for the fourth time. So I’d like to celebrate in style. Below is my wish list for that day:

1.       At least 8 hours of continued, uninterrupted sleep. If I can lay sprawled all over my queen-size bed, the better.
2.       A 30-hour day, so I can watch all 8 Harry Potter movies, one after the other, and still get present #1.
3.       Breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, second dinner, and late night snack in bed.
4.       The ability to eat all I want that day without gaining a single ounce. In fact, I could benefit from losing a pound or twenty.
5.       Going to the movies again, for the first time in like 18 months. I wonder which movies are coming out this month. Wait, there’s a new Jurassic World?
6.       An A in all my school assignments due that week, because c’mon, it’s just the decent thing to do.
7.       A new Fossil watch, a stunning diamond bracelet, and the latest iPhone. An accompanying smart phone for my toddler, so he doesn’t destroy mine… again.

May 15, 2018

My Top 5 First Mother's Day List

1.    I was invited to attend a corporate brunch for mothers. I had zero expectations as they were giving away prizes. But when they announced the “Mother of the Year,” I was shocked when they called my number. I couldn’t believe my luck had finally changed. I mean, I NEVER win anything. When I opened the gift, though, I realized my luck still sucked: I “won” a set of kitchen utensils.
2.    As a special treat for mom, our ward Mother’s day celebration included a whole 30 minutes of mariachis singing songs I have never heard of. I don’t particularly favor mariachis, either.
3.    I was one of “those” moms who wore a homemade brooch during all of the Sunday meetings. Thank you, Young Women.
4.    My husband prepared three delicious meals for me during the day. That was no different from any other day, since he always does the cooking.
5.    On the positive side, my husband spent about three hours making me a presentation/video about my top motherhood moments, I got to spend the afternoon with my mom, and my son kept asking for my arms all day. I finally understand what all the fuzz about this celebration is about.