Mar 6, 2011

Post-it, or, how obsessed do you think I am?

Sometime in the middle of my Institute class this week, someone opened the door, quickly placed a post-it in its corner, and left. Nobody caught a glance of who it was.

Intrigued, I walked to the door, and realized the post-it was from one of my students, who had to leave a couple of minutes before "the incident". Some of my other students curiously asked who it was from, and as I told them, they rapidly insinuated that this guy must like me, leaving notes and all that. They kept bugging me until I turned red (if you know my skin color, you know turning red is not an easy feat), and kept at it for a while.

It all takes me back to middle school. I wouldn't be surprised if next time they saw me, they start chanting Karla and So-and-So sitting on a tree... Seriously? Us LDS YSA need to get on with the program sometimes.

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