Mar 28, 2010

The Pizza Godmother

My at symbol is still not working. I have tried many things, and I'm now on the verge of desperation. Having to google "at symbol", or ask a friend to send me an "at" during a chat session, is getting old. Any kind of suggestions would do at this point. PLEASE.

Now for my story of the week. A sister in church suddenly started befriending me. I was glad my popularity level was ever increasing. A couple of weeks later, she asked if I would be her son's godmother for his 6th grade graduation. I felt flattered, and obviously agreed to do it. However, during the week, another pressing commitment came up, and so I called to say I could still go to the ceremony, but not the afterparty. To that, she said: "Well, you're still bringing the pizza, aren't you?" Apparently, an essential duty of a 6th grader's godmother is the provision of pizza for the party. Just giving you a heads up on this, in case you ever get asked.

Mar 21, 2010

Mrs. African Kat

The following is a message from my inbox, where substantial information has been omitted for the sake of good manners:

"I count it a great opportunity to be able to write to you. I am from  (African country), now pursuing a master's of (altruistic, yet boring) degree at (American LDS University...Gee, I wonder which university that is?). I am on a look for a sister, who is interested in exploring possibilities for a love, relationship, and hopefully a temple marriage. If this meets your interests, don't be shy to let me know so we can get started. A good place to get a quick picture of who I am is through sending me a face book invitation (full name). I will add you, and there you will have access to my albums. Then later on we can speak over the phone (full phone number), then plan on meeting. Let me know, if this something you want to try. I will be waiting."

Mar 14, 2010

Kat Trump

Today, a beloved sister at Church sat next to me, and asked: "So, what does your father do in Honduras?" I told her he is an insurance broker, and that he owns a company, and one of my brothers works for him (the only one he could lull into it; insurance is SO boring). To that, she replied: "Oh, I asked because I heard a rumor that you are rich." My responding laughter was heard in a 3-mile radius.

Afterwards, someone asked how I had come to know about music (I'm no Mozart, but I do know a bit more than the average citizen), to which I answered I had private tutors...Yes, private tutors, as rich people usually have.

As I continued to ponder on these events, I realized I drive a nice car, and have my own office in town, even though I don't have a job. Furthermore, I am probably the only latina in the world who has absolutely no family in the U.S. That must mean they are so filthy rich they need not visit me.

So... I guess I am rich.

Mar 7, 2010

Fun things to do instead of sleeping

I was so sleep deprived this week. You'd say, "Well, you're a graduate student. That is only to be expected." However, it was not an endless number of readings and research papers that kept me from my daily beautifying rest, but a list of other activities that are WAY more fun than studying. Behold!, things to do while others are sleeping:
1. Facebook stalking. You need to know more about certain people, and so decide to scan their photos, and make up a personality profile from that. You may have heard of this activity as "Facebook Searching".
2. Talk about an endless number of things, which turn into nonsense as you go deeper into the early hours of the morning.
3. Watch YouTube music videos of songs you think will fit perfectly into your voice. 
4. Let someone tinker with your computer, until you are completely unable to find the "at" symbol in your keyboard (Can somebody please help me with that? I can't write my email address!).
5. Watch Indiana Jones DVDs while intermittently passing out in your couch.

Oh, Spring Break, where art thou?